Sunday, March 28, 2010

sunnyboy = moneyboy

This month has been very kind to the currently 'bored by daily routine' sunnyboy. With 2 long weekends, the days become less boring. And of course, due to his popularity demands, he finally went to Singapore on the first long weekend. Tickets & accomodation were sponsored by his dear friend from Singapore. It was kinda planned but sunnyboy asked me not to tell anyone about his trip so it would seem like a last minute decision LOL

Anywayzzzz it turned out to be a very good trip, it's the kind of break sunnyboy could use right now. Shopping for his currently very stylish taste of fashion *luv it*, and of course followed by spirited *read : alcohol influenced* parties at Zirca. And long story short, that's where he met 'the boy'. He said ever since he broke up with his last boyfriend, this is he first time he felt the chemistry with someone else, and the thing they had even if it's only for 2 days was very intimate. The boy was physically not the type of guy that sunnyboy would normally go for, thin figure with japanese hairstyle, but I guess there's something else about the boy that caught his eye.

It was instant attraction for the boy. And just like all the other boys before him, he can't get enough of sunnyboy. He treats sunnyboy so well, giving him lots of attention, singing all the LeeHom song for him, changing his haircut for him, he even bought a ticket to visit sunnyboy the next weekend. But the plan got postponed due to passport issues. It didn't stop him from trying though, he asked sunnyboy to come back to singapore for the 2nd long weekend of the month, the boy paid for the tickets of course. He really makes an extra effort to see sunnyboy again. Finally sunnyboy becomes moneyboy LOL he likes it when people buy things for him. Well i can't blame him, sunnyboy is worth fighting for (and paying for, and dying for LOL).

So what about mr.May? remember him? the one who's going to visit sunnyboy for 2 weeks in May? LOL i smell trouble!!! Out of all the drama in the world, i got stucked with this one. *just kidding sunnyboy, u know i luv u no matter what :D*

Well i'll tell u about it on the next blog. Laters

from ur stalker


Sunday, March 7, 2010

I showed mine and he showed his

The cyber world loves sunnyboy, and it seems like sunnyboy is also enjoying the attention he gets online. Started with a fridae account, he found himself surrounded by a bunch of guys wanting to get a piece of him. One guy got luckier than others, he gets to chat intensely everyday with sunnyboy, he even gets to see sunnyboy on webcam (something so so rare for sunnyboy to do). It started with seeing each other's faces, smiling, blowing kisses blablabla...but of course sooner or later things are bound to get X-rated (if u know what i mean). Judging from the afterglow, I'm guessing that things are good and everybody like what they see LOL The lucky guy is coming to town soon and planning to spend a good 2 weeks with sunnyboy. And since he's a vers bottom and sunnyboy's a vers top, things will surely get wild. Will keep u posted on that!

hope u'll enjoy him LOL

from ur stalker
