Thursday, May 27, 2010


Mr.May is finally here :) and sunnyboy declared him as his boyfriend for 2 weeks. It turns out that Mr.May is just a kid LOL, 25 yo boy, but very independent and brave. Overall he's OK Lor... Sunnyboy seems to fancy him. He's taking him to Bromo and Malang this weekend. I'll post some more next time to get the complete report of his visit LOL

stalking like a true gentlement


Meeting Him Again After 1 Year

Off to Songkran for the first time!!! Too bad we got the wrong date LOL the festival started one day after we went back home. Ah well...there's always next year. At least he got to go to a gay party and felt the ever crowded DJ Station (*misses*) It was all good despite the whole fiasco from the red shirt. Of course the malls at Siam were closed but sunnyboy managed to enjoy the mall on the last day before it's closed for almost 3 months now (i think).

Errrrr....what else can i tell ya? same old same old party....getting drunk plus plus LOL He got to meet 2 new boys. But that was not the highlight of the holiday of course. It was meeting Him again after a year of searching. Let's just call him 'MS8' from now on. Sunnyboy met him in Singapore a year ago. He was trying to find Taboo, and there he was out on the street, kindly lead the way to Taboo. They shared a great alcohol-abused night together LOL yes they had great sex, but MS8 left right after it and didn't even exchange numbers with sunnyboy. Somehow sunnyboy became so eager to find him again, but the clues about his identity was not nearly enough. He didn't even know MS8's last name, he only knew that MS8 is a chinese citizen who's currently studying in singapore.

But looks like faith gave them a chance to meet again in Bangkok, out of the blue, so unexpected. And it just made sunnyboy so so excited. This time he got MS8's number, email, aMSN, facebook, everything LOL he's not letting him go. Unfortunately they didn't get the chance to have sex, due to a very very awkward situation in sunnyboy's hotel room. I'm gonna have to leave the details of the incident off the record tho. Anyway, sunnyboy had a date with MS8, and he thinks that MS8 is such a nice guy, not to mention very attractive. Too bad the situation for both of them to be together is quite difficult. MS8 just graduated from his study and is currently trying to find a job in HK, and sunnyboy is off to Taipei to study for a year. But they chat from time to time, who knows, maybe they will get the chance to be together in the future. But for now sunnyboy is just obsessed with this guy LOL. Some say that it's karma, sunnyboy broke many hearts and now it's his turn to get heartbroken.

stalking like a true gentlement
