Sunday, July 18, 2010


Just when sunnyboy decided to close his heart, the unexpected happened. Looks like Mr.May was more than he hoped for, but unfortunately a holiday romance and friendship are the only thing they can share for now. One of them goes to Taipei, and one to Darwin. Both trying to get a life experience. But who knows what the future holds for them.

And when the holiday is over, sunnyboy got back to his daily routine, trying to focus on work and all. But this one business meeting in Bali last week kinda swept him off his feet. A visit to one of his regular clubbing spot brought him to a highly unexpected place. He met a guy, of course, went home with him, and for the first time in a very long time, he gave himself to a total stranger. It turned out to be a great sex of course, but the way he looked at sunnyboy, the way he stole kisses, the way he treated him so gently and how passionate and full of affection he was, the way he fell asleep with his lips kissing sunnyboy's forehead, made sunnyboy felt something in his heart.

I guess life has a funny way of messing with your head, and your heart


Thursday, May 27, 2010


Mr.May is finally here :) and sunnyboy declared him as his boyfriend for 2 weeks. It turns out that Mr.May is just a kid LOL, 25 yo boy, but very independent and brave. Overall he's OK Lor... Sunnyboy seems to fancy him. He's taking him to Bromo and Malang this weekend. I'll post some more next time to get the complete report of his visit LOL

stalking like a true gentlement


Meeting Him Again After 1 Year

Off to Songkran for the first time!!! Too bad we got the wrong date LOL the festival started one day after we went back home. Ah well...there's always next year. At least he got to go to a gay party and felt the ever crowded DJ Station (*misses*) It was all good despite the whole fiasco from the red shirt. Of course the malls at Siam were closed but sunnyboy managed to enjoy the mall on the last day before it's closed for almost 3 months now (i think).

Errrrr....what else can i tell ya? same old same old party....getting drunk plus plus LOL He got to meet 2 new boys. But that was not the highlight of the holiday of course. It was meeting Him again after a year of searching. Let's just call him 'MS8' from now on. Sunnyboy met him in Singapore a year ago. He was trying to find Taboo, and there he was out on the street, kindly lead the way to Taboo. They shared a great alcohol-abused night together LOL yes they had great sex, but MS8 left right after it and didn't even exchange numbers with sunnyboy. Somehow sunnyboy became so eager to find him again, but the clues about his identity was not nearly enough. He didn't even know MS8's last name, he only knew that MS8 is a chinese citizen who's currently studying in singapore.

But looks like faith gave them a chance to meet again in Bangkok, out of the blue, so unexpected. And it just made sunnyboy so so excited. This time he got MS8's number, email, aMSN, facebook, everything LOL he's not letting him go. Unfortunately they didn't get the chance to have sex, due to a very very awkward situation in sunnyboy's hotel room. I'm gonna have to leave the details of the incident off the record tho. Anyway, sunnyboy had a date with MS8, and he thinks that MS8 is such a nice guy, not to mention very attractive. Too bad the situation for both of them to be together is quite difficult. MS8 just graduated from his study and is currently trying to find a job in HK, and sunnyboy is off to Taipei to study for a year. But they chat from time to time, who knows, maybe they will get the chance to be together in the future. But for now sunnyboy is just obsessed with this guy LOL. Some say that it's karma, sunnyboy broke many hearts and now it's his turn to get heartbroken.

stalking like a true gentlement


Sunday, March 28, 2010

sunnyboy = moneyboy

This month has been very kind to the currently 'bored by daily routine' sunnyboy. With 2 long weekends, the days become less boring. And of course, due to his popularity demands, he finally went to Singapore on the first long weekend. Tickets & accomodation were sponsored by his dear friend from Singapore. It was kinda planned but sunnyboy asked me not to tell anyone about his trip so it would seem like a last minute decision LOL

Anywayzzzz it turned out to be a very good trip, it's the kind of break sunnyboy could use right now. Shopping for his currently very stylish taste of fashion *luv it*, and of course followed by spirited *read : alcohol influenced* parties at Zirca. And long story short, that's where he met 'the boy'. He said ever since he broke up with his last boyfriend, this is he first time he felt the chemistry with someone else, and the thing they had even if it's only for 2 days was very intimate. The boy was physically not the type of guy that sunnyboy would normally go for, thin figure with japanese hairstyle, but I guess there's something else about the boy that caught his eye.

It was instant attraction for the boy. And just like all the other boys before him, he can't get enough of sunnyboy. He treats sunnyboy so well, giving him lots of attention, singing all the LeeHom song for him, changing his haircut for him, he even bought a ticket to visit sunnyboy the next weekend. But the plan got postponed due to passport issues. It didn't stop him from trying though, he asked sunnyboy to come back to singapore for the 2nd long weekend of the month, the boy paid for the tickets of course. He really makes an extra effort to see sunnyboy again. Finally sunnyboy becomes moneyboy LOL he likes it when people buy things for him. Well i can't blame him, sunnyboy is worth fighting for (and paying for, and dying for LOL).

So what about mr.May? remember him? the one who's going to visit sunnyboy for 2 weeks in May? LOL i smell trouble!!! Out of all the drama in the world, i got stucked with this one. *just kidding sunnyboy, u know i luv u no matter what :D*

Well i'll tell u about it on the next blog. Laters

from ur stalker


Sunday, March 7, 2010

I showed mine and he showed his

The cyber world loves sunnyboy, and it seems like sunnyboy is also enjoying the attention he gets online. Started with a fridae account, he found himself surrounded by a bunch of guys wanting to get a piece of him. One guy got luckier than others, he gets to chat intensely everyday with sunnyboy, he even gets to see sunnyboy on webcam (something so so rare for sunnyboy to do). It started with seeing each other's faces, smiling, blowing kisses blablabla...but of course sooner or later things are bound to get X-rated (if u know what i mean). Judging from the afterglow, I'm guessing that things are good and everybody like what they see LOL The lucky guy is coming to town soon and planning to spend a good 2 weeks with sunnyboy. And since he's a vers bottom and sunnyboy's a vers top, things will surely get wild. Will keep u posted on that!

hope u'll enjoy him LOL

from ur stalker


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

fortune teller

The boring days after parties can make people do weird things, and that includes my dear sunnyboy. He did the most unexpected thing, going to see a fortune teller. Accompanied by a dear friend of his, he bravely stepped inside the mystical world and had a glimpse of what his life would be in the future. Fortune-wise, it was very good. Very very good, actually. Supposedly he will get an insanely huge amount of fortune at the age of 37, 40 and 60. Whatever business he does will be a big success. *kudos to sunnyboy* He will most likely live abroad (one of his dream) and the further away from home, the more fortune he's gonna get. *sob*

But things doesn't seem so good in the romance department. The fortune teller says there's not much people in his love life. Sunnyboy seems very unhappy about it, since no matter how much he enjoys having fun with boys, at the end of the day he's still the kinda guy who loves being in a relationship. Well i hope u'll find ur soulmate sooner or later, he's out there somewhere :) or some place nearby LOL i don't know, i'll keep an eye for my sunnyboy.

Anywayyyyzzzzz sunnyboys wants to quit partying soon. I guess it's a good thing since he's saving up for school in Taiwan. I really admire him for doing this, trying to pursue his dreams. I wish u the best of luck, sunnyboy!!!

that's it for now, back to work.

*kiss kiss*

from ur stalker


Monday, January 18, 2010

happy happy happy happy happy

Back from the holidays and finally have too much stories to tell, don"t even know where to start ^__^;

Sunnyboy went to Taipei, he finally got the chance to flaunt his winter collections. Adapting with the shivering weather was no easy task for him, especially with his latest haircut, he said he can feel the cold right through his skull *LOL* Long story short, he went from parties to parties all throughout the NY10 weekend feeling happy (with a little help from today's title), he even went a bit too far and had what he called "skips" where he couldn't remember anything for a few moments. He enjoyed the view, of course, all the pretty taipei boys with smooth white skin and rock hard bodies. Not much action going on though, since sunnyboy gets way too picky when it comes to boys these days. Don't even try to say u couldn't get boys in bed, sunnyboy, i know a lot of them approached u!!!

Fastforward to a short stop at Singapore, he got so busy trying to cope with all the post-party effects. Bad mood, trying to find beauty care, etc. He couldn't find one, and then he's off to Bangkok. Good thing he brought chlorophyl to reduce the effect. He got so excited telling us about all the pretty Taipei boys, and how he spent couple of days getting along really close with an old friend. was really nice clubbing with sunnyboy again :) He got 3 new errrr... "friends", one of them is a good kisser, one of them is really cute, and the last one was errr...well i didn't get the chance to know him in person but he seems to leave a great impression on sunnyboy.

ok that's it for now, gotta get back to work. welcome back, sunny boy :)

from ur stalker


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

bitten by the lazy bug

It was one hell of a party!!! Last saturday was Sunny boy's bday bash (in conjunction with another dear friend of ours), and it was also the anniversary party of his fave club in town. He booked the VIP table and filled it with close friends and few of his errrrrr fans!!! It may sound risky gathering them up in one place since they'll be competing for sunny boy's attention, but everything went smoothly, no drama for the nite. But the question is...who's coming home with sunny boy? hmmmm.... i know the answer but i won't tell :D (sorry guys, he made me promise) Hope u had a great one with him, sunny boy

It's interesting how the guys are so full of love after the big party. Sending messages via bbm, thanking each other etc. Happy recovery guys!!!

After a good lazy sunday, it's time to get back to work. But how are we supposed to work with holiday mood hanging over our heads? So sunny boy decided to take it easy and pamper himself with a facial appointment. Afterall, he needs to look fabulous for the coming holiday, right? Well that's what he thinks. (I think he looks yummy already) Poor thing he was in so much pain during facial. It's more painfull than getting a tattoo, he said.

And yet another lazy Tuesday, sunny boy had a very nice japanese cuisine for lunch + coffee at the usual circle. SOmewhere in between those two places, i came to realize that sunny boy can't help but turning people's heads even when he's not doing anything. While he was going down the escalator, the hottie from the gym (the one that makes sunny boy blush with excitement) can't seem to get his eyes off of sunny boy.

Now it's time for the infamous 3rd day syndrome!!! Sunny boy demands a lot of love to get him through the day (my pleasure!!!) But the heavy downpour was a big problem. Good thing he got some companion from his ex. It was a lovely night filled with gossips, social climbers, holiday destinations, birthday parties, cosmetics & plastic surgery talks, credit card installments, and much much more. Oooo and i got a very surprising story about how one of his fans tried to buy him dinner, and he's even younger than me. Well that's part of sunny boy's magic, i guess, he can turn a top into a bottom, and he can turn a boytoy into a suggadaddy!

have a fabulous long weekend, sunny boy

from ur stalker


Monday, December 7, 2009


At last...the premier of sunny boy's new boyfriend (a.k.a. his new apartment). And he looks freakin handsome and cute LOL and surprisingly homy. Sunny boy held a small celebration with a few carefully selected VIPs (including me *yay!!!*) at the new place. Just a simple lunch and followed by a short trip to the mall. But don't call him Sunny Boy if he doesn't celebrate in style, he ended the nite clubbing. Just consider it a pre-bday party, cos the real party is this weekend.

And after a few hours of rest, he woke up this morning feeling horny LOL and ooooo how he enjoyed having his own place, he loooovveeessss walking around naked in his apartment. You better watchout Sunny boy, don't forget to close the curtains, some boys might catch a sight of your nudity and decides to stalk you :)

enjoy the rest of the day in nudity sunny boy

from ur stalker


Friday, December 4, 2009

Finally 100%

Perfection is an illusion. My dear Sunny Boy is a perfectionist indeed. After the infamous breakup with his previous boyfriend, his new apartment is the only thing that can keep his mind off of him. But being a perfectionist, he can't help but making every minor details a big issue ^_^; And he can be sooooo bitchy if things doesn't work out the way he wants them to be. But I guess that's what makes him irresistable *loves a man who knows what he wants and goes great length to get it*

But finally after nearly one year of hard work, his new boyfriend (new apartment) is 100% fully furnished. And he decided to reward himself with a nice long rest in bed.... NOTTT!!!! *lol* Sunny boy wants to celebrate it with fabulous style as always - hence - another nite at the club. Overall the nite was nice, the crowd was great, the drinks were great... well i assume so, since I didn"t drink due to XXX ^_^; Highlight of the nite, sunny boy got a new celebrity friend *lol* I won"t tell u who, and got cruised by some lame dude from the table behind us. Oh dear, I guess he can't help but notice the yumminezzz of Sunny Boy. One thing for sure, Sunny Boy got drunk and went through a very "exciting" *read : dangerous* trip home.

OMG he got up so early, thanks to his alarm *lol*
Go back to sleep Sunny Boy, get enough rest, you have to look fabulous on your bday

nite nite sunny boy

from ur stalker



I call him Sunny Boy, short from Sunday as he would like to be called. Sunny is a dear friend of mine, a charming guy that is full of drama.

This coming Dec 6 will be a very important day for him. It's his bday and also the day he will move into his brand new apartment. He calls his apartment as his "boyfriend. Can"t wait to see it, I'm sure it's gonna be fabulous :D

nite nite sunny boy

from ur stalker