Tuesday, February 9, 2010

fortune teller

The boring days after parties can make people do weird things, and that includes my dear sunnyboy. He did the most unexpected thing, going to see a fortune teller. Accompanied by a dear friend of his, he bravely stepped inside the mystical world and had a glimpse of what his life would be in the future. Fortune-wise, it was very good. Very very good, actually. Supposedly he will get an insanely huge amount of fortune at the age of 37, 40 and 60. Whatever business he does will be a big success. *kudos to sunnyboy* He will most likely live abroad (one of his dream) and the further away from home, the more fortune he's gonna get. *sob*

But things doesn't seem so good in the romance department. The fortune teller says there's not much people in his love life. Sunnyboy seems very unhappy about it, since no matter how much he enjoys having fun with boys, at the end of the day he's still the kinda guy who loves being in a relationship. Well i hope u'll find ur soulmate sooner or later, he's out there somewhere :) or some place nearby LOL i don't know, i'll keep an eye for my sunnyboy.

Anywayyyyzzzzz sunnyboys wants to quit partying soon. I guess it's a good thing since he's saving up for school in Taiwan. I really admire him for doing this, trying to pursue his dreams. I wish u the best of luck, sunnyboy!!!

that's it for now, back to work.

*kiss kiss*

from ur stalker


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