Monday, January 18, 2010

happy happy happy happy happy

Back from the holidays and finally have too much stories to tell, don"t even know where to start ^__^;

Sunnyboy went to Taipei, he finally got the chance to flaunt his winter collections. Adapting with the shivering weather was no easy task for him, especially with his latest haircut, he said he can feel the cold right through his skull *LOL* Long story short, he went from parties to parties all throughout the NY10 weekend feeling happy (with a little help from today's title), he even went a bit too far and had what he called "skips" where he couldn't remember anything for a few moments. He enjoyed the view, of course, all the pretty taipei boys with smooth white skin and rock hard bodies. Not much action going on though, since sunnyboy gets way too picky when it comes to boys these days. Don't even try to say u couldn't get boys in bed, sunnyboy, i know a lot of them approached u!!!

Fastforward to a short stop at Singapore, he got so busy trying to cope with all the post-party effects. Bad mood, trying to find beauty care, etc. He couldn't find one, and then he's off to Bangkok. Good thing he brought chlorophyl to reduce the effect. He got so excited telling us about all the pretty Taipei boys, and how he spent couple of days getting along really close with an old friend. was really nice clubbing with sunnyboy again :) He got 3 new errrr... "friends", one of them is a good kisser, one of them is really cute, and the last one was errr...well i didn't get the chance to know him in person but he seems to leave a great impression on sunnyboy.

ok that's it for now, gotta get back to work. welcome back, sunny boy :)

from ur stalker


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